Au sortir d’une grave crise post-électorale, la Côte d’Ivoire a atteint en juin 2012 le point d’achèvement dans le cadre de l’initiative PPTE, et négocié l’annulation d’environ 6,5 Mds USD de la dette extérieure. La redynamisation du secteur de l’éducation, de la formation et de l’insertion-emploi des jeunes constitue un enjeu du processus de sortie de crise post-électorale en Côte d’Ivoire, alors que 53% de la population de plus de 15 ans est analphabète et le taux de chômage de 9,74% selon les sources officiels de l’AGEPE en juillet 2013. . La décennie de crise a fortement dégradé la gestion du système scolaire et empêché l’augmentation des capacités d’accueil. Environ 70% d’une classe d’âge est inscrite au primaire (mais seulement 46% achève le cycle), 34% au collège et 15% au lycée. L’enseignement technique et professionnel sous équipé n’offre que 78 000 places et ne constitue pas une alternative porteuse. Le gouvernement a fait de l’éducation-formation et de l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes un axe prioritaire du plan national de développement. Un plan sectoriel de l’éducation soutenable a été élaboré. Le gouvernement prévoit : (i) de généraliser la scolarisation primaire et d’étendre l’accès au collège en particulier dans les zones rurales sous équipées de la zone Centre Nord et Ouest ; (ii) d’accroitre les capacités de l’enseignement technique et professionnel et son adéquation avec les besoins du marché du travail ; (iii) de moderniser l’enseignement supérieur public et les écoles d’ingénieurs pour améliorer l’employabilité des jeunes dans les secteurs porteurs de l’économie ivoirienne ; (iv) de mener une politique proactive d’emploi des jeunes, qu’ils soient déscolarisés ou diplômés, par des mesures favorisant une insertion rapide. Stratégie d’intervention d’ASI ASI travaille en Afrique de l’ouest depuis 1985. Depuis 1997, nous avons développé une méthode de sensibilisation prévention en matière de sante publique, en particulier en matière de prévention des IST/VIH-sida. Depuis 2006 ASI intervient en République du Congo dans le cadre d’«un programme de prise en charge de jeunes filles en situation de rue» à Brazzaville depuis 2006 et à Pointe-Noire depuis 2012. Il s’agit essentiellement de femmes en situation de prostitution, dont les risques liés à leurs activités les amènent à faire partie des personnes les plus vulnérables. Il concerne aussi des plus jeunes filles qui sont encore plus en situation de détresse (8 à 12 ans). L’objectif principal d’ASI est d’aider ces jeunes filles à quitter le milieu de la rue en leur proposant un autre parcours de vie et en construisant avec chacune d’elle son propre projet. Ce programme a su montrer son efficacité à travers une méthodologie innovante, s’appuyant sur un cycle de prise en charge complet, allant de la prévention dans la rue à l’insertion sociale et professionnelle des jeunes filles. C’est à travers l’intérêt qu’ASI porte au phénomène des jeunes filles vulnérables que la situation en Côte d’Ivoire et plus spécifiquement à Abidjan nous interpelle. ASI a donc la volonté de mobiliser son expertise tant dans le domaine de la santé que dans celui de la prise en charge sociale pour améliorer les conditions de vie de ces jeunes filles en développant une approche intégrée tant sociale que sanitaire et éventuellement répondre aux demandes d‘insertion, dans une logique préventive mais aussi de réponses à des besoins immédiats de prise en charge. Objectifs de l’étude Objectif général L’objectif de cette étude de faisabilité se décline en 3 axes : 1/ Réalisation du diagnostic situationnel
1ère étape : Définition de 2 à 3 scénarii potentiels d’intervention 2ième étape : Travail en concertation avec le siège ASI aboutissant à la définition et validation pour le ou les scénarii retenus et déclinaison :
Description de la thématique
A la suite de la description du contexte général, le consultant devra identifier les principaux problèmes en terme de prise en charge des filles en situation de vulnérabilité. Une analyse des forces et faiblesses des politiques, de leur mise en œuvre et de la prise en charge des filles, sera réalisée. Le consultant identifiera les besoins déjà couverts par la société civile et définira les besoins qui seront couverts par le projet. Résultats attendus Le consultant devra présenter les documents suivants :
Une équipe comprenant un consultant, chef de mission, de formation socio-anthropologue, qui réalisera la mission de terrain et, si nécessaire, un consultant local pour faciliter le déroulement de la mission en Côte d’Ivoire et mener l’enquête d’identification des populations cibles (en lien avec des enquêteurs recrutés en prestation de service). Le consultant devra avoir : (i) une bonne compréhension des problématiques du secteur et des besoins dans les pays en développement ; (ii) une expérience éprouvée en matière d’identification et de formulation de projets dans le secteur social et sanitaire (iii) une bonne connaissance des bailleurs de fonds présents dans le secteur (en particulier l’UE, l’AFD et l’UNICEF) ; (iv) et une connaissance préalable de la région. Rapports Le consultant devra présenter deux rapports :
Le consultant maintiendra une liaison étroite avec le siège d’ASI qui assurera la coordination de l’étude. Calendrier indicatif Durée totale de l’étude : 2 mois maximum à compter de la signature du contrat. Étapes pour la phase 1 : 4 jours
La proposition financière devra intégrer l’ensemble des charges de l’étude : honoraires, perdiems et transports. Le calendrier des paiements est le suivant :
L’ensemble des documents produits par le prestataire dans le cadre de la présente prestation sont réputés devenir la propriété intellectuelle d’ASI, qui en fera libre usage. Documents consultables Documents de référence nationale fournis par ASI au consultant. |
Date d'expiration : 2014-09-07 | ||
Email de reception des CVs : |
19 juillet 2014
Réaliser une étude de faisabilité du projet de prise en charge de jeunes filles en situation de vulnérabilité à Abidjan en Côte d’Ivoire
UN Operation in Côte d'Ivoire recrute: Senior Civil Affairs P-5 - Abidjan
Description de l'offre :
The Senior Civil Affairs Officer reports to the Principal Civil
Affairs Officer for the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire
(UNOCI). The Principal Civil Affairs is the first reporting officer. The
Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General/Resident
Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator is the second reporting officer.
Within delegated authority, the Senior Civil Affairs Officer will be responsible for the following duties: •Supports the Principal Civil Affairs Officer in all aspects of their role, including through the provision of policy guidance and strategy development. Acts as Deputy Chief Civil Affairs when requested. Acts as Officer-in-Charge in the absence of the Principal Civil Affairs Officer.
•Contributes to the development of the strategic vision for the overall Mission and UN effort, and ensures that the work of Civil Affairs is clearly conceptualized in support of the Mission's priorities, in line with the evolving situation on the ground and in
accordance with the UN Civil Affairs Policy Directive.•Manages, supervises and carries out the work plan of the Section under his/her responsibility. Supervises and monitors the work of officers under his/herresponsibility in undertaking the full range of their duties. •Designs and coordinates diverse projects and activities for Civil Affairs to further the overall objectives of the component, including joint programmes with UNCT and otheractors where appropriate. Monitors to ensure that substantive work programmesand activities are carried out in a timely and effective fashion, taking account ofgender considerations. •Manages
relevant planning, budgeting and recruitment processes for the component, in accordance with UN and Mission procedures. Anticipates changes in the environment and proposes adjustments in the priorities or approach of the component accordingly. •Ensures that information and analysis provided by Civil Affairs Officers at the local level is collected and presented in a consistent and planned manner. Provides an overall analysis of trends and issues based on input from diverse geographical areas. Ensures that Civil Affairs analysis is integrated into overall mission analysis and planning. •Coordinates (across disciplines and
components) to ensure effective partnership, coordination and information sharing between the Civil Affairs component and both Mission and non-Mission partners. Ensures that all partners and interlocutors are aware of the role and contributions of Civil Affairs as part of the overall Mission and UN effort.•Ensures that Civil Affairs components establish and maintain contacts with all sectors of the population country-wide, that sound mechanisms are in place to identify and represent their concerns and perceptions, and that these are effectively communicated to Mission and UN actors. •Ensures QIPs implementation is managed
effectively and in line with the UN policy directives and mission specific priorities for Quick Impact Projects (QIPs). Oversees impact evaluation. •Plans and implements appropriate induction and skills training for Civil Affairs staff, encourages the identification and sharing of good practises and lessons learned, and promotes free and active participation in the online
Civil Affairs Community of Practice by all Civil Affairs staff. •Coordinates with UNCT partners to ensure a coherent UN system effort. Performs other duties as required, in line with the DPKO/DFS policy directive on Civil Affairs. Conflict Management•Manages Civil Affairs support to national and local actors in designing strategies and processes for conflict
management and resolution. Convenes or oversees support to dialogue and negotiation between groups in conflict. Facilitates, enables, or mediates dialogue where appropriate. • Manages partnerships with relevant actors to advocate for the protection and empowerment of excluded and/or threatened groups in full respect of humanitarian and international law, including mechanisms for information-sharing, crisis response and protection of civilians as needed.•Identifies and coordinates a response to specific conflict drivers at the social level, including by mobilizing a response from other actors where appropriate. •Identifies and
designs practical Civil Affairs support activities for constructivecivil society actors. Restoration to State Authority •Designs and oversees effective cooperation arrangements between Civil Affairs and state institutions, as one part of the overall effort in the area, with a view to; strengthening local ownership , building capacity, promoting cooperation between authorities and relevant interest groups, as well as supporting operations, policy and decisionmaking processes as appropriate. •Ensures holistic approach and consistency in the support provided to local authorities. Ensures that Civil Affairs work is carried out in coordinationwith other actors, in particular UNDP, through joint planning and programming in the context of the UNOCI/UNCT comparative advantage and also in the context of the benchmarks exercises. •Oversees the design and implementation of Civil Affairs support to civic education programmes or political fora or town-hall meetings to support the development of political space at the local level. Ensures consistent and appropriate Civil Affairs support to dialogue and cooperation between authorities and relevant interest groups and provides guidance on the development of structures of accountability and transparency.
Seasoned and sophisticated understanding of the contexts within which peacekeeping operations function, and ability to contribute significantly to the overall strategic vision of the Mission. In depth knowledge of UN policy on Civil Affairs and related areas, and a sophisticated understanding of the role of Civil Affairs in empowering and enabling other actors. Ability to conceptualise, communicate and implement a work programme for a large and geographically disbursed team, ensuring that it functions effectively and as one part of a wider collective effort. Ability to forge strategic networks and partnerships with a wide range of actors and design mechanisms for coordination. Ability to work persuasively with partners to ensure that the work of the component is integrated into overall Mission and UN efforts. Ability to conduct sophisticated analysis of political, economic and social factors affecting conflict dynamics and peace processes and to identify critical peacebuilding gaps. Sensitivity to complex dimensions of conflict, including related to issues of ethnic identity, gender and historical patterns of exclusion. Understanding of the functioning of political parties and the role of elected or transitional members of representative bodies. In-depth understanding of the principle of local ownership and of how to advise the Mission on applying this in various aspects of its work. Understanding of how to ensure that the concerns and perceptions of the local population are taken into account in the overall planning and operation of the Mission. Ability to design and manage complex information flows. Substantial knowledge of project design and project cycle management. Ability to mobilise and manage financial resources. Sophisticated understanding of how to integrate gender perspectives into the work of peace operations. Appreciation of the value of identifying and sharing best practises and lessons learned. Proven ability to work under extreme pressure, on occasion in highly stressful environments. Ability to work with tact and diplomacy, primarily as an enabler of constructive actors and processes. Respect for local cultures and values, awareness of the impact of personal conduct, ability to adapt behaviour to different environments with sensitivity. Commitment to long term objectives, tenacity and a positive attitude in pursuing them. Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.
-Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals-Solicits input by genuinely valuing others' ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others-Places team agenda before personal agenda-Supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position-Shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings
-Speaks and writes clearly and effectively-Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately-Asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication-Tailors language, tone, style and format to match the audience-Demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informedLeadership:-Serves as a role model that other people want to follow-Empowers others to translate vision into results-Is proactive in developing strategies to accomplish objectives-Establishes and maintains relationships with a broad range of people to understand needs and gain support-Anticipates and resolves conflicts by pursuing mutually agreeable solutions-Drives for change and improvement; does not accept the status quo-Shows the courage to take unpopular stands
-Identifies the key issues in a complex situation, and comes to the heart of the problem quickly-Gathers relevant information before making a decision-Considers positive and negative impacts of decisions prior to making them-Takes decisions with an eye to the impact on others and on the Organization-Proposes a course of action or makes a recommendation based on all available information-Checks assumptions against facts-Determines that the actions proposed will satisfy the expressed and underlying needs for the decision-Makes tough decisions when necessary.
A minimum of ten years of progressively responsible experience in Civil Affairs, Political Affairs, Public Administration, or related field, with a minimum of five years spent in a field mission with UN Peacekeeping Operations, UN Funds or Programmes, National or International NGOs, international bilateral organizations, etc. Out of these years, a minimum of three years should be in a management position with responsibility for developing and implementing a strategic programme with both personnel and resource management responsibilities. A minimum of five years of experience in a position requiring conflict management, facilitation, mediation or negotiation skills, with an emphasis on analytical and strategic planning functions. Experience in facilitating structured dialogue events between different parties, and reconciliation activities and processes would be desirable. Support to restoration of State authority and local governance: A minimum of five years in working in public administration, public administration support, or related areas. Experience in policy advice in the areas of institution building and governance support in post-conflict settings would be desirable.
Education: Advanced university degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in social sciences, political science, international relations, public administration, anthropology, law, economics or related area. A first-level university degree in combination with 2 additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
Language: Fluency in both spoken and written English and French is required
Within delegated authority, the Senior Civil Affairs Officer will be responsible for the following duties: •Supports the Principal Civil Affairs Officer in all aspects of their role, including through the provision of policy guidance and strategy development. Acts as Deputy Chief Civil Affairs when requested. Acts as Officer-in-Charge in the absence of the Principal Civil Affairs Officer.
•Contributes to the development of the strategic vision for the overall Mission and UN effort, and ensures that the work of Civil Affairs is clearly conceptualized in support of the Mission's priorities, in line with the evolving situation on the ground and in
accordance with the UN Civil Affairs Policy Directive.•Manages, supervises and carries out the work plan of the Section under his/her responsibility. Supervises and monitors the work of officers under his/herresponsibility in undertaking the full range of their duties. •Designs and coordinates diverse projects and activities for Civil Affairs to further the overall objectives of the component, including joint programmes with UNCT and otheractors where appropriate. Monitors to ensure that substantive work programmesand activities are carried out in a timely and effective fashion, taking account ofgender considerations. •Manages
relevant planning, budgeting and recruitment processes for the component, in accordance with UN and Mission procedures. Anticipates changes in the environment and proposes adjustments in the priorities or approach of the component accordingly. •Ensures that information and analysis provided by Civil Affairs Officers at the local level is collected and presented in a consistent and planned manner. Provides an overall analysis of trends and issues based on input from diverse geographical areas. Ensures that Civil Affairs analysis is integrated into overall mission analysis and planning. •Coordinates (across disciplines and
components) to ensure effective partnership, coordination and information sharing between the Civil Affairs component and both Mission and non-Mission partners. Ensures that all partners and interlocutors are aware of the role and contributions of Civil Affairs as part of the overall Mission and UN effort.•Ensures that Civil Affairs components establish and maintain contacts with all sectors of the population country-wide, that sound mechanisms are in place to identify and represent their concerns and perceptions, and that these are effectively communicated to Mission and UN actors. •Ensures QIPs implementation is managed
effectively and in line with the UN policy directives and mission specific priorities for Quick Impact Projects (QIPs). Oversees impact evaluation. •Plans and implements appropriate induction and skills training for Civil Affairs staff, encourages the identification and sharing of good practises and lessons learned, and promotes free and active participation in the online
Civil Affairs Community of Practice by all Civil Affairs staff. •Coordinates with UNCT partners to ensure a coherent UN system effort. Performs other duties as required, in line with the DPKO/DFS policy directive on Civil Affairs. Conflict Management•Manages Civil Affairs support to national and local actors in designing strategies and processes for conflict
management and resolution. Convenes or oversees support to dialogue and negotiation between groups in conflict. Facilitates, enables, or mediates dialogue where appropriate. • Manages partnerships with relevant actors to advocate for the protection and empowerment of excluded and/or threatened groups in full respect of humanitarian and international law, including mechanisms for information-sharing, crisis response and protection of civilians as needed.•Identifies and coordinates a response to specific conflict drivers at the social level, including by mobilizing a response from other actors where appropriate. •Identifies and
designs practical Civil Affairs support activities for constructivecivil society actors. Restoration to State Authority •Designs and oversees effective cooperation arrangements between Civil Affairs and state institutions, as one part of the overall effort in the area, with a view to; strengthening local ownership , building capacity, promoting cooperation between authorities and relevant interest groups, as well as supporting operations, policy and decisionmaking processes as appropriate. •Ensures holistic approach and consistency in the support provided to local authorities. Ensures that Civil Affairs work is carried out in coordinationwith other actors, in particular UNDP, through joint planning and programming in the context of the UNOCI/UNCT comparative advantage and also in the context of the benchmarks exercises. •Oversees the design and implementation of Civil Affairs support to civic education programmes or political fora or town-hall meetings to support the development of political space at the local level. Ensures consistent and appropriate Civil Affairs support to dialogue and cooperation between authorities and relevant interest groups and provides guidance on the development of structures of accountability and transparency.
Seasoned and sophisticated understanding of the contexts within which peacekeeping operations function, and ability to contribute significantly to the overall strategic vision of the Mission. In depth knowledge of UN policy on Civil Affairs and related areas, and a sophisticated understanding of the role of Civil Affairs in empowering and enabling other actors. Ability to conceptualise, communicate and implement a work programme for a large and geographically disbursed team, ensuring that it functions effectively and as one part of a wider collective effort. Ability to forge strategic networks and partnerships with a wide range of actors and design mechanisms for coordination. Ability to work persuasively with partners to ensure that the work of the component is integrated into overall Mission and UN efforts. Ability to conduct sophisticated analysis of political, economic and social factors affecting conflict dynamics and peace processes and to identify critical peacebuilding gaps. Sensitivity to complex dimensions of conflict, including related to issues of ethnic identity, gender and historical patterns of exclusion. Understanding of the functioning of political parties and the role of elected or transitional members of representative bodies. In-depth understanding of the principle of local ownership and of how to advise the Mission on applying this in various aspects of its work. Understanding of how to ensure that the concerns and perceptions of the local population are taken into account in the overall planning and operation of the Mission. Ability to design and manage complex information flows. Substantial knowledge of project design and project cycle management. Ability to mobilise and manage financial resources. Sophisticated understanding of how to integrate gender perspectives into the work of peace operations. Appreciation of the value of identifying and sharing best practises and lessons learned. Proven ability to work under extreme pressure, on occasion in highly stressful environments. Ability to work with tact and diplomacy, primarily as an enabler of constructive actors and processes. Respect for local cultures and values, awareness of the impact of personal conduct, ability to adapt behaviour to different environments with sensitivity. Commitment to long term objectives, tenacity and a positive attitude in pursuing them. Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.
-Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals-Solicits input by genuinely valuing others' ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others-Places team agenda before personal agenda-Supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position-Shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings
-Speaks and writes clearly and effectively-Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately-Asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication-Tailors language, tone, style and format to match the audience-Demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informedLeadership:-Serves as a role model that other people want to follow-Empowers others to translate vision into results-Is proactive in developing strategies to accomplish objectives-Establishes and maintains relationships with a broad range of people to understand needs and gain support-Anticipates and resolves conflicts by pursuing mutually agreeable solutions-Drives for change and improvement; does not accept the status quo-Shows the courage to take unpopular stands
-Identifies the key issues in a complex situation, and comes to the heart of the problem quickly-Gathers relevant information before making a decision-Considers positive and negative impacts of decisions prior to making them-Takes decisions with an eye to the impact on others and on the Organization-Proposes a course of action or makes a recommendation based on all available information-Checks assumptions against facts-Determines that the actions proposed will satisfy the expressed and underlying needs for the decision-Makes tough decisions when necessary.
A minimum of ten years of progressively responsible experience in Civil Affairs, Political Affairs, Public Administration, or related field, with a minimum of five years spent in a field mission with UN Peacekeeping Operations, UN Funds or Programmes, National or International NGOs, international bilateral organizations, etc. Out of these years, a minimum of three years should be in a management position with responsibility for developing and implementing a strategic programme with both personnel and resource management responsibilities. A minimum of five years of experience in a position requiring conflict management, facilitation, mediation or negotiation skills, with an emphasis on analytical and strategic planning functions. Experience in facilitating structured dialogue events between different parties, and reconciliation activities and processes would be desirable. Support to restoration of State authority and local governance: A minimum of five years in working in public administration, public administration support, or related areas. Experience in policy advice in the areas of institution building and governance support in post-conflict settings would be desirable.
Education: Advanced university degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in social sciences, political science, international relations, public administration, anthropology, law, economics or related area. A first-level university degree in combination with 2 additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
Language: Fluency in both spoken and written English and French is required
How to apply:
Please send:- Cover Letter
- Personal History File (
- Proof of required academic credencials
- Employment verification for external candidates
- Last 2 performance Appraisal
Stephanie APPELL:
Vera Gabliya:
With the mention Senior Civil Affairs TJO
Associazione Italiana donne per lo svillupo - recrute: Consultant/e Psychologue - Ouagadougou
Date d'expiration : 2014-12-31 | ||
Email de reception des CVs : |
Médecins du Monde - recrute: UN COORDINATEUR PAYS (H/F) – Burkina Faso
Description du poste :
Médecins du Monde, association médicale militante de solidarité internationale, s’engage depuis plus de 30 ans à soigner les populations les plus vulnérables ici et là-bas, à témoigner des entraves constatées quant à l’accès aux soins, à obtenir des améliorations durables des politiques de santé pour tous.Association indépendante nous agissons au-delà du soin en dénonçant les atteintes à la dignité et aux droits humains et en nous battant pour améliorer la situation des populations précaires.
Dans un contexte de pays avec une morbi-mortalité materno-infantile alarmante, de graves problèmes structurels, une vulnérabilité récurrente aux crises alimentaires et la récente problématique des réfugiés maliens victimes du conflit, MDM renforce la santé sexuelle et génésique, la lutte contre la malnutrition et plus récemment elle assume les soins de santé primaires dans un camp de réfugiés.
Basée à Ouagadougou, la capitale, le Coordinateur Pays appuiera les projets de Développement et d´Action Humanitaire de MDM dans les districts de Bogodogo et de Dori, et de toute autre localité du Burkina Faso, comprises comme domaine d´intervention prioritaire dans la Stratégie de Pays.
Le poste s´intègre dans l’Unité d’Afrique au sein du Département des Opérations Internationales sous la supervision directe de la Coordinatrice Régionale Afrique (pour la partie correspondant au Développement) et du Coordinateur d´AH et des techniciens des Projets de Développement et d´AH du Siège. Le Coordinateur Pays travaillera avec l´équipe expatriée et l´équipe locale pour atteindre les objectifs. Vous aurez pour principales missions :
- Représentation de Médicos del Mundo au Burkina Faso auprès des diverses institutions et organismes nationaux et internationaux y compris la négociation et la signature d´accords et des autorisations nécessaires au déroulement de l´activité de MDM.
- Développement et actualisation du plan stratégique d´intervention de MdM dans le pays.
- Coordination/exécution et supervision des divers projets au développement et d´AH que MdM déroule au Burkina Faso, ce qui inclut :
- Garantir la cohérence des projets avec le Plan Stratégique de l´organisation ainsi qu´avec la Stratégie de Pays.
- Assurer l´exécution des projets et la réalisation des objectifs ainsi que le niveau de portée des résultats.
- Élaboration des rapports de situation (SITREPs) internes et assurer les reporting (de suivi et final) exigés par les bailleurs de fonds.
- Coordination et supervision du travail de tout le personnel international et national engagés dans les projets.
- Supervision de l´administration, de la gestion des ressources humaines et de la logistique des projets en assurant l´homogénéité des processus.
- Maintenir à jour l´analyse contextuelle, surveiller la situation de vulnérabilité des domaines d´intervention de l´organisation dans le pays, en identifiant les possibilités d´alliances pour de futures interventions et réponses, en favorisant un abordage intégral que tienne compte de la cohérence et le fondement des réponses à court et moyen/long terme.
- Gérer la sécurité sur le terrain en garantissant le respect des normes internes de l´organisation et en maintenant à jour les outils de gestion en coordination avec le siège.
- Assurer la coordination avec les autres délégations de MDM présentes dans le pays en favorisant l´alignement des approches et la modalité opérationnelles.
- Poste à pourvoir dès que possible.
- Basé à Ouagadougou.
OuagadougouProfil recherché:
- Licence ou Maîtrise avec formation spécifique en Coopération au développement, gestion de projets, Action humanitaire et Droits Humains. Souhaitable: Santé publique et Genre.
- Au moins 2 ans d’expérience de travail dans des postes de coordination de coopération internationale et de 3 ans en gestion d´équipe.
- Expérience obligatoire en gestion de projets de coopération sanitaire dans des contextes similaires, spécialement en Afrique.
Langues parlées du candidat
- Français indispensable
Qualité du candidat
- Capacité pédagogique et de communication
- Gestion orientée aux résultats
- Capacité d´adaptation à des conditions de vie exigeantes
- Capacité de travail en équipe
- Dynamisme et flexibilité
- Rigueur et autonomie dans le travail
- Capacité de communication et empathie
Documents à envoyer
Les personnes intéressées peuvent envoyer leur c.v. à l’adresse suivante en précisant la référence:
Coord. Pays Burkina
Date de fin de validité de l’annonce
31/07/2014Date d'expiration : 2014-07-31
Associazione Italiana donne per lo svillupo - recrute: Consultant/e Pédiatre - Ouagadougou
Date d'expiration : 2014-12-31 | ||
Email de reception des CVs : |
Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS) recrute: Full Time Internship in the Programme Department - Dakar
Date d'expiration : 2014-07-31 | ||
Email de reception des CVs : |
La CTB recherche un (h/f): Expert international en architecture - spécialiste des structures sanitaires - Dakar
Date d'expiration : 2014-08-05 | ||
Liens de candidature en ligne : |
Handicap International recrute: Conseiller Technique Psychosocial – Bamako – Mali
Date d'expiration : 2014-07-31 | ||
Liens de candidature en ligne : |
Fed Africa recrute: Responsable Qualité H/F - Côte d'Ivoire
Description de l'offre :Fed Africa, cabinet de recrutement top et middle management spécialisé sur le continent africain, recherche pour groupe international industriel, un Responsable Qualité.Responsable Qualité H/FVotre fonctionDirectement rattaché au Directeur d'exploitation, vous êtes en charge d'optimiser la mise en œuvre et d'accompagner la certification ISO 9001 du site. Vos missions seront :- Contrôler la conformité de la production et des producteurs Tiers par rapport aux cahiers des charges des produits - Assurer la traçabilité des productions et le respect des exigences pour la sécurité alimentaire - Mettre en œuvre et assurer l'animation des référentiels en station de conditionnement (manuel des bonnes pratiques/ISO) - Etablir les rapports Qualité à l'attention des opérationnels de production et de la DG - Assurer l'organisation humaine, technique et financière de la fonction Contrôle Qualité (contrôles internes et externes) - Analyser, synthétiser et diffuser les résultats des Contrôles Qualité aux opérationnels et décisionnaires - Proposer des indicateurs qualité pertinents, en les faisant évoluer en fonction des priorités - Superviser les contrôles qualité avant l'acheminement et s'assurer de leur conformité. Poste basé en site isolé (90 minutes de la ville) Votre profilTitulaire d'un diplôme d'Ingénieur, vous disposez d'au moins 5 ans d'expérience sur un poste similaire.De plus vous avez une première expérience dans la mise en place des normes Iso 9001. Proactif vous êtes orienté vers la recherche de solutions. Pédagogue et diplomate vous avez déjà encadré une équipe de taille conséquente Date de publication : 02/07/2014 Référence de l'offre : 044667 Contrat : CDI Lieu : Afrique de l'Ouest Rémunération : A négocier |
Date d'expiration : 2014-07-26 | ||
Liens de candidature en ligne : |
18 juillet 2014
Appel d'offres - Faso Burkina Faso - Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances
Recrutement d'une société chargée du programme de vérification des importations (PVI) du Burkina
Burkina Faso -
Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances
Appel d'offres - Guinée - commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante
d'un consultant et ou d'un cabinet pour une assistance technique dans
l'élaboration du dossier d'appel d'offres en vue du recrutement d'un
opérateur technique international
Guinée -
commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante
Appel d'offres - Sénégal - OMVG
Assistance technique à la maitrise d'ouvrage (ATMO) à l'OMVG pour la réalisation de
son projet énergie
son projet énergie
Sénégal -
Appel d'offres - Sénégal - OMVG
Mission de contrôle, de supervision et de surveillance des travaux de réalisation du projet énergie de l'OMVG
Sénégal -
Appel d'offres - Togo - ART&P
Financement de fourniture, installation et mise en service des équipements de gestion du top level domain du Togo
Togo -
Appel d'offres - Sénégal - ASECNA
Fourniture et installation de deux tours de contrôle mobiles avec leurs équipements
Sénégal - ASECNA
Appel d'offres - Mali - Conseil National du Patronat du Mali
Recrutement d'une société d'inspection avant expédition des marchandises importées au Mali
Mali - Conseil National du Patronat du Mali
Mali - Conseil National du Patronat du Mali
Appel d'offres- Sénégal - ASECNA
Fourniture et l'installation d'équipements numériques d'imprimerie et leurs accessoires pour son siège situé à l'aéroport
Sénégal - ASECNA
Sénégal - ASECNA
Appel d'offres- Burkina Faso, Bénin, Mali, Niger, Sénégal et Tchad
Equipement en mobiliers et cloisons amovibles des sièges des filiales du groupe de la BSIC
Burkina Faso - SATA
Burkina Faso - SATA
Oxfam Intermón recrute: PMEL MANAGER (Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou) Ref. 25/14-15
Date d'expiration : 2014-07-30 | ||
Email de reception des CVs : |
Save the Children recrute: Regional Director of Program Development and Quality – WCA - Sénegal
Date d'expiration : 2014-07-31 | ||
Email de reception des CVs : |
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